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Can't find a Hawaiian, Caribbean or any other non-North American bird species?
Can't find a Hawaiian, Caribbean or any other non-North American bird species?
Scott Arnold avatar
Written by Scott Arnold
Updated over a week ago

At the moment, our bird guide contains over 800 species common to the continental US and Canada. We would love to expand coverage to Hawaii and other parts of the world in the future, but until then, you’ll be better served by a bird guide localized for your location. If that changes we will update this article with information on new bird species added.

Can I add a sighting for a bird not in the field guide of the Audubon Bird Guide App?

Unfortunately the bird guide app does not support logging sightings for birds not in the field guide at this time.

We have been exploring ways for users to “write in” additional species, but it’s not something we have plans to support in the immediate future. If you are birding outside of the United States, you may want to find a field guide localized for your location.

We have over 800 species in the app, which are limited to species typically seen in the continental U.S. and Canada. We include some rare vagrants in cases where they have established stable local populations, or are seen regularly year over year.

If that changes in the future this article will be updated with information on how to add a sighting for a bird not in the field guide.

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