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Using Explore to discover birds that have been sighted near you
Using Explore to discover birds that have been sighted near you
Scott Arnold avatar
Written by Scott Arnold
Updated over a week ago

To use Explore:

Explore is a feature that helps Birders explore nearby birding hotspots.

  1. From the Home Screen tap "Explore" from the the bottom navigation menu

  2. The "Hotspots" tab shows blue location pins on a map that represent areas birders have added sightings, this real-time sightings data is provided by eBird

  3. Move the map around to an area you would like to explore and use the "Explore Here" white rectangular button to update the blue location pins on the map

  4. Tap on a blue location pin to pull up hotspot data and then tap on a location to see the bird species sighted there

  5. The "Sightings" tab shows sightings in a list format with data provided by eBird. Tapping on a species then tapping on "Explore Recent Sightings" will take you to a map with a list underneath of red location pins where that species has been sighted

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